Having The Healthiest Discus Fish, Full Of Bright Colors and Amazing Confidence is the dreams of this unique ornamental fish hobbyist. However for the beginner must have a lot of questions about how to keeping discus fish ... Start from the Breeding questions, water quality questions, diseases, nutrition discus, and other questions that really needs.
The lack of answers to these questions sometimes it becomes a major barrier to realizing our dreams. There were many outstanding information about discus fish care techniques ... But if everything is correct and useful? Sometimes some are just myths. Not useful and questionable validity. Maybe you have ever heard this suggestion before... The only way to learn something is from the expert. More useful because based on experience that comes from the many failures of the past in finding the answers to success.
So, how you can get the experts? The master who are willing to share and guide you with detailed, clear and complete? Careful, uncompleted information and guidance that will actually confusing and even harm you later.
Fortunately there are Rob Clark, The experienced Discus Breeders with have been keeping and breeding discus for over 10 years and now he wants to share the secrets on breeding discus fish to you. Not only that, Rob Clark will also make your discus fish become the healthiest Discus Fish, Full Of Bright Colors And Amazing Confidence ... and this is all 100% Guaranteed!
For You, Rob Clark Even Going To Let You Try His Information 100% Risk Free
Because he know for a fact that you will benefit from his information and so will your discus. He is giving you no choice but to take "Discus Fish Secrets" for a test drive.
Discus Fish Secrets
The Ultimate Guide To
Discus Fish Care,
Breeding and Keeping
Them Healthy
Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:
- The best size tank to keep discus in. Get this wrong and your discus could be permanently stunted
- The quick check list of everything you must have before you even think about buying your discus
- Which filter most discus fish prefer and why
- How to get the right water your discus fish will thrive in
- The basics of water chemistry
- The advantages and disadvantages of adding plants
- How to know when the tank is ready for fish
- Quick tips on how to pick the best discus in the shop... do this wrong and you'll have problems from the start
- What size discus you should buy and the best size for beginners
- Questions you must ask the seller, this alone will help you loads
- How picking the wrong strain of discus can be a disaster
- The truth about what discus should be fed and how often
- How to keep your discus happy for a long time
- How well your discus should grow and what to do if they are not
- The early signs that you can see that tells you that their ready to breed
- Quick little tricks that will have your discus breeding Immediately
- An overview of the spawning process
- The right way to look after fry for the first few weeks
- How to grow young discus on to the best quality adults around
- How to overcome the most common problems you will encounter
Plus Much More Discus Fish Secrets