Picking the Perfect Discus Tank Mates

>There is 1 vital factor when it comes to your discus fish and it is selecting the exceptional discus tank mates. Discus are particularly sociable fish and they like to hang out with other consumers and discover the aquarium. They are pleased when they've at least 6 other discus tank mates. Discus fish habitat is from the Amazon River Basins and the water there is calm, soft and warm. Your aquarium ought to have the precise very same habitat as to what your discus fish are employed to. Discus fish are entirely astonishing fish to watch. There colors are so gorgeous and some folks just like keeping them in a tank by themselves.

Are you deciding on discus tank mates?

Should really you opt for to add discus tank mates, you must make certain that your discus tank mates aren't going to develop them unhappy and anxiety them out. I is going to be revealing what are the exceptional discus tank mates for your aquarium and which ones to remain away from.

Picking the right discus tank mates

Tetras are wonderful discus tank mates. There are a lot of species of Tetra's but the one's that could fit in effectively with discus fish are Cardinal, Lamp Eye and Rosy Tetras. I would not go with substantial Tetras basically for the reason that they can intimidate your discus fish.

Cory Cat (Corydoras) are ideal discus tank mates. They invest their time on the bottom of the tank looking for food. Most people refer to them as bottom feeders. They also support with keeping the tank clean. They feed off the bottom and will eat food left behind from the discus. 1 dilemma with keeping the tank clean is discovering in between the plants and gravel and Cory Cat's allow you to out in that department.

Some other wonderful discus tank mate are Dwarf Cichlids and Characins.

Discus Tank Mates to steer clear of

A couple of of the factors why you have to pick the terrific discus tank mates is since they're slow eaters and they will not run to their food. Most of time discus fish food will fall to the bottom and they will search the bottom for food. It you've got aggressive fish in the tank, they'll eat the food and your discus will starve. You in no way require to put massive fish in together with your discus merely because it can end up stressed.

Discus are a species of cichlids fish. You'll obtain over 1,500 different forms of cichlids. Quite a few persons think that they could be the ideal discus tank mates simply because of that. That assumption is incorrect. Some cichlids are quite aggressive and ought to not be within the tank with discus. Some effectively-known aggressive cichlids are the African cichlids, Oscars and Angelfish. They definitely must not be location in your discus aquarium.

Discus fish moves slow and graceful by indicates of the aquarium. They are rather shy and in case you put fish in the tank that moves to fast, it can intimidate the fish. Some examples of swiftly moving fish are Danios, barbs and Rasboras. These fish are also known to nip fish fins and this can harm your fish.